Time to take a chance!

Key Takeaways

1)  Be brave enough to love
2)  Follow your guidance in all things
3)  Presume you are always cared for

Boys Will Be Boys

Time to share some more thoughts with you. I have no idea what it must be like to raise girls, but with the boys, it was never a dull moment. Note the picture above.  For several years when the boys were teenagers we vacationed with two other families at Lake Powell in Utah.  (For those who may not know, the lake was created by building a dam across the Colorado River at Glen Canyon on the border between Utah and Arizona.) In the picture above, my two boys and a friend are leaping off the highest point they could find close to our house boat.  I will never quite understand the call to climb to the highest point around but it was on-going.  When they were kids, I would endlessly find them on the roof, and in the winter, jumping off into snow drifts. Or climbing to the very top of huge pine trees in the parkway of the street close by.

When I moved to Florida many years ago, my older son lived with me for the four years while he was in college (and that was more than precious).  We moved into my newly purchased house the same week school started. The second day we were there, I walked out to the back yard and there he was up on the ridge of the roof (he was up there to blow off leaves), eyeing the swimming pool.  Before I could say, “Do not jump off the roof!” he was running down at full speed, leaped over the concrete patio surrounding the pool and landed safely in the deep end.

Take The Chance By Following Your Guidance

Happily, they survived their teenage years, are now in their 50’s, safe, content, and successful.  That willingness to take chances, presume they are safe and can accomplish whatever they set out to do has served them well.  And we can learn so much from this.  We may not be inclined to leap off the highest point around, but we surely can "take the chance” of following our guidance, and “leaping” into the presumption that  we are valuable, deeply cared for, and have a right to be here.  And with that assurance, we can follow our real vocation, which is to love and care for one another, realizing that we are all operating in the highest and best manner possible, given the beliefs that drive us.

Our goal is to provide encouragement to be brave enough to assume the best about everyone, follow your (always reliable) intuition, and reap the rewards of “unconditional positive regard” as promoted by Carl Jung, famous psychologist and psychiatrist.

Have a wonderful and loving day,
Carol and Robert


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