Seems like it's a good time for us to stop for a moment and reflect upon how life really works, given the general turmoil in the world today. We've been taught that life happens to us randomly, and without our permission or input. If that were true, our only option would be to keep our heads down, so to speak, and hope for the best. Happily, not a shred of that scenario is correct.
Wisdom teachings down through the ages have assured us that the power of thought will always be preeminent in the matter of “causation.” In a nutshell, outside forces, circumstances, conditions, people, etc do not cause our life experience. We do - 100%. Others are “players” in our dramas, but we will always be the sole “producer/director.”
Given the political turmoil in the world today, it is imperative that we remain mindful of the powerful and eternal truth – our thoughts create the blueprints for the nature of our three-dimensional experience, appearing as the quality and circumstances of our lives. Thus, we each determine our safety, or lack thereof, and not someone else. The same with quality of life, in general. Our outer world exactly mirrors the nature of our “inner world” of thought and focus of attention. So if our intention and desire is to be truly helpful, keeping in mind that everyone is doing the best he or she can with their prevailing “programming,” then life unfolds safely and with awesome synchronicity. On the other hand, wishing someone ill will always backfire and the unfortunate circumstances you desire “for them” will accrue to you and cannot be escaped until there is a change of mind and heart. Life doesn't know about pronouns.
The simple truth is that the thoughts in our minds shape our reality, whether we know it or not, and not someone else's. To elaborate on this idea, we might think someone has mistreated us, and thus, we wish for bad things to happen to them since they “clearly deserve it.” The way life works is that those thoughts of punishment that “they deserve” will bring difficulty to you instead. Remember - life doesn't know about pronouns and that you are wishing punishment for someone else. If it's in your mind, you will be the recipient. No exceptions. This truth should certainly be a game changer, when we realize it is we, ourselves, who are doing the undermining of our lives.
So, in summary, it doesn't matter the weather, financial/political circumstances, or what others think. You are 100% in charge of the quality of your life: choose to be loving, understanding, desire to be helpful and watch your life blossom. Or blame, hate, and judge and watch your life deteriorate into a real mess. Happily, we all get to change our minds at any moment and no one else has a vote in that matter. So start all over again now, decide to be truly helpful, follow that ever-present intuition and you will thrive, feel supported, and good fortune will become the norm. You do not have to go back and try to change an unfortunate past as it is already gone. How cool is that!
So best wishes as you prove to yourself that the most powerful asset you have is your own creative mind coupled with the power to choose where your attention goes. All thought becomes manifest in the details of your life. Choose wisely, kindly, and life will never be the same!
With love and peace to all,
Carol Howe and Robert Hess
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