The Master Teacher Who Didn’t Teach!  (Bill Thetford) PLUS A Special Gift!


Key Takeaways:

1) No matter how difficult life may be, the solution is always available
2) We must choose that “always available solution” to have a happier and safer experience
3) Bill Thetford demonstrated the path to a joyful life.

The Learning Journey

Today is Bill Thetford’s birthday and once again we can learn important things from him.  He did not “officially” teach A Course In Miracles, but his life was one long amazing lesson for us all to note with a splendidly happy ending. It was, in many respects, a very difficult life.  The untimely death of a dearly beloved sister, an impossible-to-imagine long illness in his early years, learning to navigate life as a gay man when that was much more dangerous to discuss, lack of support from his father, and no clear direction as to his life purpose - for starters. Then came his time at Columbia University where his major "learning partner," Helen Shucman, arrived in his life and A Course In Miracles was born amidst considerable personal discord. During the editing process, Ken Wapnick entered the picture and yet another set of challenges was set into motion.

But, all the while, he was determined to practice the ACIM lessons and philosophy and did so with growing success. He continued to grow lighter and funnier, happier and more gracious. All kinds of issues at Columbia and beyond were resolved.  In his later years, many people were healed, emotionally and physically, simply by being in his presence.  So many indicated they felt lighter, safer, more valued and expansive just by being with him.  That was also my experience. Quite impossible to describe.

The Goal Was Reached

And this was not magic or rocket science.  All of this occurred because he chose to release his own guilt and to practice the simple principles of ACIM.  He steadily followed his intuition/guidance, dropped judgments, attachments, grievances, and chose to consider himself ordinary despite his brilliance, fame,  and accomplishments.  By the end of his life, he had attained his goal: joy, happiness, deep peace and much experience that can simply never be described.  He literally could hardly keep his feet on the ground and departed this life in a blaze of glory on July 4, 1988.  What a Master Teacher he was, indeed!!

Your Special Gift

So you can learn from this master teacher and find out about his amazing life, I’m offering his biography, "Never Forget To Laugh" at a 20% discount by using code BILL20 at checkout.  Writing his life story was one of the great highlights of my life and I certainly want you to have the opportunity to know him, as well.

Buy The Book Today and Save 20% Off

Use Coupon Code: BILL20 at checkout



Extra important information.  Today at 3pm EDT, I will be making a presentation about Bill on Jennifer Hadley’s "Sundays with Spirit"  Service.  All are welcome!  Attending, of course, is free but if this is your first time engaging with this group you do have to register at this address:

If you simply want to watch and not be part of the group, you can use this Facebook link:

Every blessing to all of you,


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