You may have tried everything - Yoga. Meditation. Self Development...
But for many people Anxiety, Stress and Self Doubt are still present in your life.
The good news...There's a simple and reliable process to living a Happy and Successful Life!
'The Ultimate Guide to be Free of Anxiety, Stress and Self Doubt Forever' by Carol Howe
Carol's greatest purpose and passion, is to give you the tools necessary to experience Peace, Happiness and Life Fulfillment.
A Course In Miracles (ACIM) is eternal wisdom with a modern twist.
This famous spiritual text is studied by many of the greatest spiritual leaders in the world today, including Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Willamson, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra and the late Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Its purpose is to guide us to a state of deep peace, no matter what experiences we go through. It does this by undoing the ego (that critical voice inside the mind). A “miracle” is a shift in perception, a moment that allows us to experience love's presence and power.
ACIM teaches us exactly how to trade Fear for Love and to tap into the guidance and wisdom of our spirit. Its major focus, unlike other spiritual practices, is on healing relationships. This approach is the fastest way to heal body, mind and heart, resulting in a life of fulfilment and incredible joy.